Web Links/Short Stories

Farenheit 451 digital book - http://www.secret-satire-society.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Ray-Bradbury-Fahrenheit-451.pdf

The Old Man and the Sea - https://la.utexas.edu/users/jmciver/Honors/Fiction%202013/Hemmingway_The%20Old%20Man%20and%20the%20Sea_1952.pdf

The Pearl - https://www.ptbeach.com/cms/lib02/NJ01000839/Centricity/Domain/211/The-Pearl-John-Steinbeck.pdf

Nothing but the Truth - http://leej.mcschools.net/UserFiles/Servers/Server_34989/File/Nothing%20But%20The%20Truth%20-%20Avi%20(1).pdf

Flowers for Algernon - https://www.sreb.org/sites/main/files/file-attachments/flowersforalgernon.selected_excerptpdf_0.pdf


The Landlady by Roald Dahl

The Landylady short film and short film

The Landlady audio


The Lady or the Tiger pdf

The Lady or the Tiger short film


Scholastic Scope Magazine - "Race Against Death"

Documentary video

Race Against Death Quizlet Live Review 


Stray by Cynthia Rylant

Out of the Dust


The Gift of the Magi

Gift of Magi original movie

Gift of Magi short film

Mrs. P Reads The Gift of the Magi


The Metamorphosis

Digital pdf

animated summary


Mokey's Paw

Digital pdf



The Storyteller by Saki 


Raymond's Run - (Raymond's Run)

The Necklace - 

The Ransom of Red Chief - 

The Open Window

Most Dangerous Game

Helen Keller - 

Ray Bradbury


Problem of Cell 13 digital text
Escape from Alcatraz video


The Lottery 

The Lottery pdf file

The Lottery video

Charles by Shirley Jackson - page 22 in Brown Literature book.

Literary devices (figurative language) - http://literary-devices.com/


Most Dangerous Game Vocab Words

  1. Palpable - able to be touched or felt. Tense atmosphere that seems almost touchable or tangible. 

  2. Indolently - having or showing a disposition to avoid exertion; slothful

  3. Lofty - tall; high structure

  4. Ardent - enthusiastic or passionate.

  5. Impudent -  not showing due respect for another person; impertinent.

  6. Scruples - a feeling of doubt or hesitation with regard to the morality or propriety of a course of action.

  7.  Futile - incapable of producing any useful result; pointless.

The Necklace Vocab Words

  1. blunder - an embarrassing mistake

  2. adorn - make more attractive, as by adding ornament or color

  3. desolate - crushed by grief

  4. dwell - think moodily or anxiously about something

  5. modest - marked by simplicity; having a humble opinion of yourself

  6. deprivation - the disadvantage that results from losing something

  7. robust - sturdy and strong in form, constitution, or construction

awry- turned or twisted to one side

"The Story of an Hour" | Kate Chopin

A woman is given the news that her husband has been killed in a railroad accident. In the next hour, she experiences a range of emotions as she contemplates her life.

Read "The Story of an Hour" (1,020 words)

"Old Man at the Bridge" | Ernest Hemingway

An old man sits at the side of a country road during the Spanish civil war. Everyone is fleeing the area, and although he has already traveled 12 kilometers, he is too exhausted and distracted to continue. (765 words)

This story can be read in the preview of The Complete Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway(92% into the preview)

"Girl" | Jamaica Kincaid

A mother imparts advice to her daughter on how to behave and how to be a woman. This is a prose/poem hybrid; it’s one long run-on sentence. (650 words) (Summary and analysis of "Girl")


"War" | Luigi Pirandello

In a train carriage in Italy during WW1, several passengers talk about their sons who have been sent to war. They argue over who among them feels the most grief. Some of the themes in War include sacrifice, patriotism, and intellectualizing our emotions.

(1,600 words)

A man is packing his suitcase to leave home for good. He and his wife have an argument that escalates quickly. This is an example of a minimalist story, stripped down and without judgment, leaving readers to interpret for themselves.


"One of These Days" | Gabriel Garcia Marquez

A corrupt mayor goes to an unlicensed dentist for treatment of an abscessed tooth. The dentist refuses to help, and they have a hostile exchange.

Read "One of These Days" (920 words)

"The Use of Force" | William Carlos Williams

A doctor makes a house call on a sick young girl. She has hidden the severity of her symptoms and resists the examination.

Read "The Use of Force" (1,565 words)





Narrative Essay
50 Narrative Essay Topics


Descriptive Essay
40 Topics for Descriptive Essays

Cause and Effect

Cause and Effect Essays
100 Cause and Effect Sample Topics

Literary Analysis

Literary Analysis Essay
Literary Analysis Guide


Persuasive Essay.
Ideas for Persuasive Essay Topics

Compare and Contrast

Comparison and Contrast Essay
50 Compare and Contrast Ideas


Citation Link - click here
MLA template - click here
MLA Example Paper - click here
Thesis - click here
Tips for writing a conclusion - click here
MLA format - click here
MLA Works Cited Page - Click Here

Literary Devices - click here

Language Arts Standards - State of Georgia

8th Grade English Writing Standards

8th Grade English Reading Literature Standards


Graphic organizers - http://eduplace.com/graphicorganizer/

Grammar Blast - https://www.eduplace.com/kids/hme/6_8/grammar/


Brain Pop links (WCYMS password is YMS)