Argumentative Essay

Argumentative Essay - Bad Boy Novel


Argumentative Essay Rubric

Essay Expectations:

Minimum 3 paragraphs                                    

5-7 sentences per paragraph

Clear and concise English, grammar, correct spelling and capitalization/punctuation throughout.

Typed on Google Doc. Save the file your Last Name.First Name - Bad Boy

The body of your Google Doc should have your first and last name centered along with the essay topic.

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Font Size: 12


Your Essay Will Include the following:

State your claim – clearly state which side you are on. Convince your reader.

Use evidence from the text- use at least two citations directly from the text. Be sure to use quotations and cite the page number or chapter.

Provide a counter argument – mention the other side and debunk them.

Conclusion – sum everything up in a clear and concise conclusion.


Layout of Your Essay:

Paragraph 1 – Introduction. Be sure to put your thesis statement as the last sentence in this paragraph. State your claim in this paragraph.

Paragraph 2 – Provide your citations here and clearly explain them. At least two citations directly quoted from the novel.

Paragraph 3 – Counter Argument and Conclusion


Don’t Write these words in your essay:

I, Me, My, I Believe, I think, or In my opinion


Topic: Discipline in public schools in the 1950s vs. 2020. You will try to convince your reader of which discipline model is better and why.


Evidence from the book you could use in this essay (be sure to use direct quotes with the page number while referencing these for your essay):

Walter's principal makes him write 500+ sentences as a form of punishment.

Walter's teacher makes him stand in a corner

Walter's teacher makes him get in her closet.

Walter's teacher walks him home while holding his hand!

Walter's teacher slaps him in the face.