Book Projects

Book Project 1

Individual Book Report

1st 9-weeks Project

Students will make a book jacket using the rubric below.  Any plagiarism will result in an automatic zero for the projectwhich will bring the student close to failing for the 9-week period. You MUST use the book for which I signed or you get a zero for the project! You MUST use the book for which I signed or you get a zero for the project! Cannot use a book from which a movie was made. 






Front Cover



CANNOT be the same as the book already has!

Includes an illustration, title of book, and author’s name. Font and colors fit the emotional content of the book. The graphic illustrates some scene from the book.

Includes an illustration, title of book, and author’s name. The graphic illustrates some scene from the book.

Includes an illustration, title of the book, and author’s name.

Does not include illustration, title of the book or author’s name.

Inside left (front) flap

Summary is well-written and includes all aspects of the story. Paragraphs are well formed. It is clear the student read the book and understood it.

Summary includes all aspects of the story, but at least one paragraph is not well formed. It is clear the student read the book.

Includes a description of some of the things that happened in the story. It appears the student read most of the book, but might not understand it.

Summary is too vague. Does not appear the student read or understood the book.

Inside right (back) flap

Includes a small photograph or drawing of the author, the author’s name and a biography that includes some personal facts and the name of at least one other book written by the author.

Includes the author’s name and a biography that includes some personal facts and the name of at least one other book written by the author.

Includes the author’s name and a biography that includes some personal facts about the author.

Author’s name AND/OR bibliography is missing.

Back cover

Includes two reviews of the book and students’ names. Each review gives your opinion for a different aspect of the book.

Includes one review of the book and the student’s name. Review gives your opinion of one aspect of the book.

Includes one review of the book and student’s name. Review is a mixture of fact and opinion.

Review AND/OR student’s name is missing.


Includes the title, name of author, publisher name and logo. Text and logo are creatively done.

Includes the title, name of author, publisher name and logo.

Includes title, name of author and publisher name.

Missing title, author, AND/OR publisher name.


Illustrations were creative, drawn and colored neatly and were a good size.

Illustrations were drawn and colored neatly and were a good size.

Illustration were drawn and colored neatly, but some were too large or too small.

Illustrations were drawn and/or colored carelessly.

Neatness and effort

The book jacket has no distracting errors, corrections and erasures and is easily read. Student put a lot of effort into project

The book jacket has almost no distracting errors, corrections or erasures and it easily read. Student worked hard on it.

The book jacket is fairly readable but the quality is not good in some parts. It looks like student ran out of time or didn’t spend time on it.

Very messy and hard to read. Looks thrown together at the last minute.

Spelling and grammar

One of less grammatical errors. Spelling and grammar correct throughout.

Two to three grammatical errors.

Four to five grammatical errors

More than five grammatical errors.



Book Project 2

Individual Book Project

2nd 9-weeks


This 9-week period, students will be writing a book report using the page (front & back) I have given them.  It has 9 sections: 1) setting; 2) character analysis; 3) award; 4) plot; 5) overview; 6) three quotes; 7) four "8th grade" adjectives; 8) summary-5 parts; and 9) put the 5 summary parts into a paragraph. Your child has the paper. It is a very easy project and is due November 29, 2017.  I will not take it later without taking 20 points each day-students have 5-1/2 weeks to do this!). 


Must include:

  • NO plagiarism!
  • ALL 9 sections must be completed (11 points off for each section not done).
  • Each section must include ALL the items asked for in that section.
  • Do NOT copy anything from the Internet
  • Section 7 (adjectives) MUST be 8th grade level adjectives or NO points! 


Book Project 3

Book project for 3rd 9-weeks


Self-Selected Reading Project: One-Pager

An example is on the back of the instruction sheet/rubric I gave to the students. 

          After reading your independent reading book this nine weeks, you are going to create a “one-pager” in which you draw/represent major ideas from the novel.  You MUST number each section (1-8).  The One-Pager should include the following:


 **Any plagiarism will result in a zero!!!  Make SURE that #2, #4, and #8 are in your own words. No quotes and no copying from the novel. Again, you will receive a zero for any plagiarism! ***


  • 1. In the CENTER of your poster: the title of the novel, the author, publisher and publishing date-all are on the title page of your novel. 
  • 2. a short summary of the novel in your own words (4-5 sentences)
  • 3. three important quotes from the novel in “ “ with page number-cite correctly.
  • 4. a personal response to the novel (at least three sentences). You may want to include here what you learned from reading the novel.
  • 5. at least four pictures (or drawings with color)  of major people/things/events from the novel
  • 6. at least three symbols from the novel and what they represent
  • 7. at least three other items/pictures/written examples that represent literary elements from the novel (foreshadowing/symbolism/irony/ figurative language, etc.). MUST be different from 1-6! If you use written examples, you MUST cite correctly and they must all be different types of figurative language.
  • 8. On the back of the one-pager, you are to write two paragraphs (at least 5 sentences in EACH paragraph) in which you discuss the theme of the book.  Include at least three pieces of textual evidence (cited correctly!) from the book in your response. Make SURE you INDENT your paragraphs-you are in 8th grade and we do indent paragraphs.

****Make SURE you number each item!!!!!



Book Project 4

Self-Selected Reading Project

4th nine weeks 

Student Name: ________________________________________







Includes book title, author's name, your name, a descriptive drawing (NOT the same one as the book) to represent the book and a caption

Includes book title, author name, your name and a drawing

Includes book title, author name and your name

Missing multiple pieces of required information

Flap 1





Includes the setting of the story. This should be written in sentence form and include at least one drawing to represent the setting.

Includes the setting of the story in sentence form and a rough, unrelated drawing.

Includes the setting of the story in sentence form-no drawing.

Includes the setting but not in sentence form.

Flap 2





Includes all main characters of the book. Each character should be summarized, behaviorally and characteristically, and include a picture/drawing of each character

Includes some main characters of the book. Each character is somewhat summarized and includes pictures/drawings

Includes some main characters and loosely describes the characters. Includes some pictures/drawings

Lists only one or two main characters and loosely describes them. May include some pictures/drawings

Flap 3



2 paragraphs (4-6 sentences each) written to describe the plot of the book. A picture/drawing should depict a major event in the book. There should also be a caption.

2 short paragraphs (3 sentences) written to describe the plot of the book. Picture/drawing depicts major event in book. Includes a caption.

1 paragraph (4-6) sentences written to describe the plot of the book. Picture/drawing depicts major events in book. Includes a caption.

A sentence or two is written to describe the plot of the book. Picture/drawing depicts an event in the book or is not drawn.

Flap 4



Theme is given and  explained in three sentences. 5 literary device examples are given by quoting the book and writing the type of literary example.

Theme is explained in two sentences. 4 literary device examples are given by quoting the book and writing the type of literary example.

Theme is explained in one sentence. 3 literary device examples are given by quoting the book and writing the type of literary example.

Theme is listed. 1-2 literary device examples are given by quoting the book and writing the type of literary example.

Flap 5


Favorite Scene

One paragraph (4-6 sentences) explains your favorite scene from the book. Paragraph includes one quotation. A drawing/picture depicts the scene.

One paragraph (3 sentences) explains your favorite scene from the book. Paragraph includes one quotation. A drawing/picture depicts the scene.

Two sentences explain your favorite scene from the book. No quotation is given. Drawing/picture depicts a scene.

One sentence explains your favorite scene from the book. No quotation is given. No drawing/picture is given.



Author information

Includes detailed information about the author in one paragraph (4-6 sentences). Includes a picture of the author. Do NOT copy!

Includes some information about the author in one paragraph. Includes a picture of the author. . Do NOT copy

Includes very little information about the author in 3 or less sentences. Author picture is included. . Do NOT copy

No information or just a sentence is given about the author.

Neatness, Effort, illustrations

The project has no distracting errors, corrections or erasures and is easily read. It appears the student spent a lot of effort getting things just right. Drawings are neatly done and colored.


The book project has almost no distracting errors, corrections or erasures and is easily read. It appears the student worked hard on it. Drawings are neatly done and colored.


The book project is fairly readable but the quality is not too good on some parts. It looks like the student ran out of time or didn't take care of it.


Very messy and hard to read. It looks like the student threw it together at the last minute without much care.



There is 1 or are fewer spelling and grammar errors. The author's name and the title are spelled correctly throughout!


There are 2-3 spelling and grammar errors OR the title or author's name is not always spelled correctly.


There are 4-5 spelling or grammar errors.


There are more than 5 conventional errors.