
9th Grade Vocab:

Characterization Vocabulary

Flat Character - is one that lacks complexity in several facets. The two-dimensional character's journey is often described as having a flat arc, meaning they don't change from the beginning of the story to the end. They also usually lack complex personality traits.

Round Character -  is deep and layered character in a story. Round characters are interesting to audiences because they feel like real people; audiences often feel invested in these characters' goals, successes, failures, strengths, and weaknesse

Static Character - a character that stays the same throughout the story

Dynamic Character - is a type of character — usually the protagonist or hero — who undergoes major inner change over the course of a story.

Protagonist - the leading character or one of the major characters in a drama, movie, novel, or other fictional text.

Antagonist - a person who actively opposes or is hostile to someone or something; an adversary.

Foil - is a character in the story that contrasts with the protagonist.

Deuteragonist - (from Greek: second actor) is the second important character in the story. The deuteragonist often acts as a constant companion to the protagonist or someone who continues actively aiding a protagonist

Stock Character - is a type of character used in fictional media that is instantly recognizable to audiences. a character in a drama or fiction that represents a type and that is recognizable as belonging to a certain genre

Confidante - someone you feel comfortable telling secret or private things to—a person you confide in.

10th Grade SAT Power Words Vocab Lists

List 1


  1. abhor v to hate very much, to detest utterly 

  2. abominate v to dislike strongly, to regard with intense aversion or loathing 

  3. abridge v to shorten; to condense; to diminish; to curtail 

  4. abstruse adj hard to understand 

  5. abut v to border upon 

  6. abyss n bottomless pit; a yawning gulf; a profound depth or void 

  7. accolade n an award, an honor; approval, praise 

  8. adjunct n something connected or added to another in a subordinate position; an assistant 

  9. affidavit n a sworn statement 

  10. affinity n a natural attraction; kinship; similarity

List 2 - Mixture of SAT POWER Words


v. to become less active, less intense, or less in amount

As I began my speech, my feelings of nervousness quickly abated.


adj. existing purely in the mind; not representing actual reality

Julie had trouble understanding the appeal of the abstract painting.


adj. extremely bad

I got an abysmal grade on my research paper!



adj. relating to the foundation or basis of something

You have to start with basic Russian before you can move on to the advanced level.


v. to have as a characteristic

v. to have (a child)

v. to bring forth

v. to put up with

She bears a strong resemblance to your mother.

Judy will bear her first child later this year.

My garden is going to bear pumpkins this year.

I can’t bear her complaining any longer!


adj. kind, generous

Many cultures believe in benevolent spirits.



adj. direct, blunt

Josh is candid about his desire to become an actor.


n. the trait of being honest and frank

I admire her candor, especially when nobody else bothers to speak up.


v. to use to your advantage

I’d like to capitalize on your math skills by having your work the cash register.



v. to declare formally and with authority

The president decreed that Halloween would henceforth be a national holiday.


n. respect; regard

Her deference to the elderly makes her the perfect candidate for an internship at the retirement center.


adj. not enough in degree or amount

I feel as though the sources for my paper are deficient.



adj. peculiar or odd; deviating from the norm

She’s a little eccentric but still fun to be around.


adj. extremely bad

After cheating on the exam, Emily began to feel as though she’d made an egregious mistake.


adj. having refined or expressive communication skills (in speaking or writing)

His speech was not only eloquent but also extremely compelling.

List 3 - Mixture of SAT POWER Words


adv. in accordance with

All students must behave accordingly.


n. the act of gaining a skill or possession of something

Language acquisition is easier for kids than it is for adults.


v. to make suit a new purpose

v. to accommodate oneself to a new condition, setting, or situation

The US has adapted many foreign foods to better suit the tastes of Americans.

Dogs are known for their ability to quickly adapt to their environments.



n. a preconception that prevents objectivity

It’s important to avoid bias when investigating a crime.


adj. tinged with a feeling of sadness

The ending of the romance movie was bittersweet.


v. to support, strengthen, or fortify

If we work together, we should be able to lift and then bolster the couch.



v. to trap or take possession of

v. to successfully represent or imitate

v. to captivate, mesmerize

v. to catch or seize

The spy was captured by the enemy.

Your painting beautifully captures the ephemerality of life.

I was captured by her beauty.

The cops captured the criminal three days after the incident.


adj. relating to the city or citizens

Voting is a civic duty.


adj. emotionally unattached (usu. used in medical or scientific setting)

Her clinical approach to situations allows her to handle them more effectively.



v. to do as an example

v. gives evidence for

Could you demonstrate the dance move for me?

This book’s use of words such as “grim” and “bleak” demonstrates the author’s mournful tone.


v. to object to

She demurred at my request to transfer to a different department.


v. to (over)use over time (usu. resources)

The lost campers quickly depleted their supply of food.



adj. superior or distinguished; high in position or status

Our town made news when the eminent magician came to perform at our local theater.


v. to discharge, give forth, or release

Plants consume carbon dioxide and emit oxygen.


adj. very expressive; using emphasis

Her emphatic smile told me she was excited to ride the roller coaster.

List 4 - Mixture of SAT POWER Words


v. to aid the progress of

In grad school, advisors facilitate students’ research and offer constructive criticism.


n. the practicality or possibility of something

The feasibility of her project was doubtful; she’d have to go all the way to Antarctica and back before the school year ended.


n. viciousness, violence

The lion is just one wild animal known for its ferocity.



adj. thrilling, exciting, stimulating

The galvanizing performance left everyone spellbound.


adj. relating to old age

I became interested in geriatric medicine shortly after my grandfather passed away from cancer.


adj. harmful, dangerous

The voices around the corner sounded angry, hostile even.


adj. supposed; related to a hypothesis

For my physics homework, I must come up with a hypothetical situation.


adj. publicly shameful or humiliating

The politician's expensive campaign ultimately ended in ignominious defeat.


v. to transmit, bestow, or disclose

Parents must impart common sense to their children.



v. to feel sorrow for; to mourn

Susan lamented her missed chance at going to Europe with her high school class.


n. movement

Physics involves the study of locomotion.


adj. capable of making a lot of money; profitable

Writing books isn’t a particularly lucrative career, unless you’re J.K. Rowling.


adj. harmful, spiteful

The malicious spirit drove out the inhabitants from their home.


adj. capable of being molded or changed

Children’s minds are malleable but only for so long.


adj. superficial; focus on material possessions

Many people accuse Americans of being materialistic.


List 5 - Mixture of SAT POWER Words



adj. new, innovative

We are looking for novel ways to approach the project.


n. a subtle difference in meaning

Body-language experts even understand the nuances of facial expressions.


adj. legally void and ineffective

The government declared their marriage null.


n. judgment based on observations instead of emotions or opinions

In scientific research, objectivity is of utmost importance.


adj. no longer used; rare or uncommon

Historians assumed record players would be obsolete by now, but in fact they’re making a huge comeback.


adj. almighty and all powerful

Gods are omnipotent beings who can control human destiny.



adj. predominant, superior, most important

Our paramount concern is the safety of our employees.


adj. strange, bizarre

Upon entering the abandoned house, Kate experienced a peculiar feeling, as if someone was watching her.


v. to die; to pass away

According to the news, nobody perished in the fire.



adj. involving qualities of something (features and content)

I noticed a qualitative change in her paintings.


adj. involving quantities (numbers and amounts)

We must conduct a quantitative analysis.


n. a strange habit

His biggest quirk is his love of old marbles.


v. to split into two or more branches

Cars ramified throughout the world in the twentieth century.


adj. without attention to danger or risk

Her rash decision to pass the car nearly resulted in a crash.


adj. unrefined

adj. not processed; uncooked (as in food)

He’s got raw talent as a singer, but he needs to work on his performance skills.

In some countries, such as Japan, it is normal to eat raw fish.


List 6 - Mixture of SAT POWER Words


n. special advantage 

or power

Children of rich and famous people often believe they have a lot of clout.


adj. indicating a rough texture

adj. lacking refinement

 or sophistication

The horse’s mane was coarse, as if it had never been washed.

The queen’s coarse way of speaking surprised the other members of royalty.


v. to happen at the same


It wasn’t until after I booked my ticket that I realized the concert coincided with my finals.


adj. bare, barren, empty

The moon is one giant, desolate landscape.


v. to come up with (a plan)

Lana devised a plan to make herself famous.


n. a problem, usually requiring

 a choice between two options

The main dilemma is whether to pay for a commercial or not.


adj. derived from experience, observation, or an experiment

You need empirical evidence to support your claim.


v. to equip or bestow 

(usu. a quality or ability)

According to the myth, the gods endowed him with the gift of healing.


v. to withstand, sustain, or hold out against

I can’t endure this wait any longer. Will Stanford accept or reject me?


adj. related to 

(government) money

Fiscal policy is how the government uses money

 to influence the economy.


v. to prosper, grow, or 

make fast progress

After one year, the tiny plants had flourished 

into a breathtaking garden.


v. to be unstable; to 

rise and fall

Stocks can fluctuate on a daily basis, making it difficult to determine when to buy or sell one.


v. to encourage or stir up

Her hateful words incited anger in the 



n. apathy, emotional detachment

The girl’s indifference toward her brother upset their parents.


adv. randomly; with little or no distinction

Lottery winners are chosen





List 7 - Mixture of SAT POWER Words


v. to give into; to satisfy or gratify

My friend loves to indulge in cheesy romance movies.


v. to guess, conclude, or derive by reasoning

You can infer from this quotation that the writer didn’t care for “pretty” language.


adj. novel or new (esp. as an idea or invention)

Her invention was incredibly innovative and won her multiple awards.


adj. extravagant or exaggerated (as of a melodrama)

The melodramatic play was well liked by the audience.


adj. simple and humble

adj. small in size or amount

They moved into a modest house in the countryside.

I received a modest sum of money for my help at the company event.


v. to change, alter, or tweak

Dr. Nguyen modified the gene so that it wouldn’t carry the disease.


v. to cause suffering to

They will persecute anyone who doesn’t agree with their views of the world.


adj. cranky, pouty, irritable

Petulant children are especially difficult to care for.


n. highest level or degree

Many believe that composers such as Beethoven and Mozart represent the pinnacle of classical music.


adv. right away and without difficulty

Water was readily available at different points in the race.


n. thinking again about a previously made choice

The judges’ reconsideration of her performance resulted in her victory.


n. a change for the better; improvement

v. to improve via change

The reform made it so that only those 18 and older can legally drive.

The government reformed its vague policies on marijuana use.



adj. satisfied (usu. in hunger)

I felt satiated after eating a snack.


adj. having practical intelligence or knowledge

My brother is not very savvy when it comes to using public transportation.


adj. morally offensive, often causing damage to one’s reputation

The scandalous politician decided it was best to resign from office.


August Vocab

List 1 - Flowers for Algernon Vocab (definitions on page 181 of brown literature book)

  1. Psychology - science dealing with the mind and with mental and emotional processes.
  2. Tangible - something you can touch, understand; difinite; objective
  3. Specter - ghost; frightening image
  4. Refute - give evidence to prove (argument or statement) false
  5. Illiteracy - unable to read or write
  6. Obscure - conceal or hide
  7. Syndromes - number of symptoms occuring together and characterizing a specific disease or condition
  8. Introspective - inward looking; thoughtful
  9. Absurd - wild or crazy; outlandish 
  10. Regression - to return to a previous state or condition 

List 2 - Elements of a Short Story words

1. Static Character - one that doesn't change
2. Dynamic Character - character that changes, grows
3. Tone - an author's attitude toward the subject. - It's not what you say, but how you say it. 
4. Point of View - Simply who is telling the story, it may be a narrator or a character, or even a series of characters. (Whose Perspective; 1st person, 3rd person,etc.)
5. Narrator - the person telling the story
6. Theme - the underlying meaning/moral of a piece of literature. 
7. Mood - Atmosphere or state of mind that a piece makes a reader feel.
8. Conflict - an inherent incompatibility between characters or forces. Conflict creates tension and interest in a story by adding doubt as to the outcome.
9. Climax - often the most exciting part of the story (action/suspense)
10. Resolution - the point of the story where the conflict is resolved (also called Denouement)

List 3 - Bad Boy Novel Vocab Words

  1. Census - an official count or survey of a population, typically recording various details of individuals.
  2. Opinionated - assertive in one's opinion
  3. Kindling -  material that can be readily ignited, used in starting a fire
  4. Tenement - a room or a set of rooms forming a separate residence within a house or block of apartments; a piece of land held by an owner
  5. Equivalent - equal in value, amount, function, meaning, etc.
  6. Memoir - a historical account or biography written from personal knowledge or special sources. A memoir is French for "memory." It is a style of writing an autobiographical account of
    one's personal life and experiences.
  7. Autobiography - an account of a person's life written by that person.
  8. Biography - an account of someone's life written by someone else.
  9. Historical Context -  the political, social, cultural, and economic environment related to historical moments, events, and trends.
  10. Colloquialisms - a word or phrase that is not formal or literary, typically one used in ordinary or familiar conversation; aka "slang"

List 4 - Bad Boy Novel Words (second list)

  1. Author’s purpose--the author’s reason or intent for writing (amuse the reader, persuade the reader, inform the reader, or satirize a situation)

  2. Persuasive Writing - In persuasive writing you try to convince writers to believe or do something.

  3. Expository writing (Informative), or exposition, is a type of discourse used to describe, explain, define, inform, or clarify. It literally means "to expose."

  4. Entertain - amuse the reader

  5. Style--a writer’s style includes word choice, tone, degree of formality, figurative language, rhythm, grammatical structure, sentence length, organization---in short, every feature of a writer’s use of language.

  6. Annotation--a note of explanation or comment added to a text or diagram

  7.  Diction--a writer’s or speaker’s word choice. Diction is part of a writer’s style and may be described as formal or informal, plain or ornate, common or technical, abstract or concrete.

  8. Adage-n-a wise old saying

  9. Context Clues - hints that an author gives to helpdefine a difficult or unusual word within a book. Theclue may appear within the same sentence as the word to which it refers or it may follow in the next sentence.

  10. Contrast- to compare in order to show unlikeness or differences; 


September Vocab

1. Bad Boy Novel  Vocab - (3rd list from novel)

  1. Scoffed - speak to someone or about something in a scornfully derisive or mocking way.
  2. Mere - the smallest or slightest
  3. Stubbornly - difficult; refusal to change one's mind
  4. Unsuspecting - not aware of the presence of danger; feeling no suspicion.
  5. Emigrated - leave one's own country in order to settle permanently in another.
  6. Bawler- bellower, roarer, screamer, screecher, shouter, yeller. 
  7. Apparatus - the technical equipment or machinery needed for a particular activity or purpose.
  8. Sternly - in a serious and severe manner, especially when asserting authority or exercising discipline.
  9. Pushcarts - A cart that is pushed by one or more persons: Baggage cart · Food cart; Pastry cart, for serving pastry; Tea cart, also named teacart
  10. Elevated - raised; situated or placed higher than the surrounding area.

Bad Boy Novel Vocab (4th list from novel)

  1. Taunted - provoke or challenge (someone) with insulting remarks.

  2. Vice - immoral or wicked behavior.

  3. Pupils - a student in school

  4. Cache - a collection of items of the same type stored in a hidden or inaccessible place;  store away in hiding or for future use.

  5. Thoroughfare - a main road in town; a road or path forming a route between two places.

  6. Spaciousness - roomy or having plenty of room

  7. Drafted (in the military) - select (a person or group of people) for a certain purpose.

  8. Orthodox - conservative, traditional, devout

  9. Manipulating - handle or control (a tool, mechanism, etc.), typically in a skillful manner; operate; work

  10. Forbidden - not allowed; banned


Bad Boy Novel Vocab (5th list from novel)

1. Eluded - evade or escape from (a danger, enemy, or pursuer), typically in a skillful or cunning way.

2. Recitation - the action of repeating something aloud from memory.

3. Superficial - existing or occurring at or on the surface; appearing to be true or real only until examined more closely.

4. Clever - quick to understand, learn, and devise or apply ideas; intelligent; skilled

5. Reluctance - unwillingness or disinclination to do something.

6. Dire - extremely serious or urgent; causing great fear or suffering

7. Fragile - delicate; not strong or sturdy; easily broken or damaged.

8. Sophisticated - having, revealing, or proceeding from a great deal of worldly experience and knowledge of fashion and culture.

9. Certifiably - uncontrollable or insane; capable of being certified

10. Detachment - to unfasten or separate; disengage 


Bad Boy Novel Vocab (6th list from novel)

1. Charade - someone's actions are so obviously false that they do not convince anyone

2. Adrift - without purpose, direction, or guidance.

3. Ceremony - a formal religious or public occasion, typically one celebrating a particular event or anniversary.

4. Communist - a person who supports or believes in the principles of communism.

5.Recruiting (stand) - enroll, enlist in the armed services

6. Improbable - not likely to be true or to happen.

7. Idealist - a person who is guided more by ideals than by practical considerations.

8. Nudged - prod (someone) gently, typically with one's elbow, in order to draw their attention to something.

9.Versatility - ability to adapt or be adapted to many different functions or activities.

10.  Shabby - in poor condition through long or hard use or lack of care.


Extra list 1

  1. Adage-n-a wise old saying

  2. Decree-n-an order given by a ruler that is made into a law

  3. Revert-v-to return to previous habits

  4. Jostle-v-to push around slightly usually on accident

  5. Churlish-adj-marked by a lack of civility or graciousness; rude

  6. Laggard-n-a person who tends to linger or stay behind

  7. Excerpt-n-a small piece of a written work

  8. Plaudits-n-enthusiastic approval; praise

  9. Veer-v-to turn off course

  10. Frugal-adj-tight with money; cheap


Week of September 21, 2020

  1. Congested-adj-to cause an excessive accumulation
  2. Gingerly-adv-handled with care; softly and carefully
  3. Maim-v-to injure severely
  4. Collaborate-v-to work together as a team or group toward a common goal
  5. Wrangle-v-to take away by force
  6. Abolish - v- formally put an end to
  7. Berate - v- scold or scrutinize angrily
  8. Indict(ed) - v-formally accuse or charge.
  9. Initiate - v - cause a process or action to begin.
  10. Copious - adj - abundant in supply or quantity.


October Vocab

Mood/Voice List - Week of October 5 - 9, 2020

1. Analogy - a comparison between two things, typically for the purpose of explanation or clarification. 

2. Indicative Mood – a statement, opinion, or fact

3. Interrogative Mood – asks a question

4. Imperative Mood – gives a command (telling you to do something)

5. Subjunctive Mood – a wish or hypothetical

6. Conditional Mood – cause/effect; if this, then that; something will happen

7. Active Voice – the subject is doing or causing the action (SAO – subject, action, object)

8. Passive Voice – the subject is the recipient of the action (OAS – object, action, subject). Includes a double verb (form of “to be”)

9. Informative Essay aka Expository – an essay providing information and facts; not opinion based

10. Textual Evidence  - evidence taken directly from the text/article/book supporting your claims/answers.


List 2 - Tell Tale Heart by Poe - Week of Oct. 19

  1. Dreadfully - extremely, terribly, awfully, tremendously, exceptionally
  2. Acute - present or experienced to a severe or intense degree.
  3. Healthily - possessing or enjoying good health
  4. Cunningly - skill employed in a shrewd or sly manner; deceiving, crafty, deceptive
  5. Inquiring - showing an interest in learning new things; to investigate
  6. Sagacity - ability to understand and discriminate between relations; sound judgment
  7. Unperceived - unobserved; unnoticed; unremarked
  8. Crevice - a narrow opening; a long, tight space; often resulting from a crack or split
  9. Gaily - cheerful or lighthearted
  10. Reposed - lie down to rest; lying, situated in a particular place

 Cask of Amontillado Words 

  1. Aperture - opening, hole, gap, space
  2. Motley - the particolored costume of a jester; diverse group of people or things; wild
  3. Jest  - a thing said or done for amusement; a joke; speak or act in a joking manne
  4. Impunity - getting away with something; not punished for doing something; exemption from punishment
  5. Catacombs - setting of Cask of Amontillado; an underground cemetery consisting of a subterranean gallery with recesses for tombs
  6. Surmounted - overcome, stand or be placed on top of
  7. Rapier- a thin, light, sharp-pointed sword used for thrusting.
  8. Gesticulation - a gesture, especially a dramatic one, used instead of speaking or to emphasize one's words; using your hands when you talk
  9. Crypt - an underground room or vault beneath a church, used as a chapel or burial place; burial chamber; small recess or pit
  10. Utterance - speaking out loud; a spoken word, statement, or vocal sound.


Week of Oct. 26, 2020 

  1. Irony - the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect.
  2. Socratic Irony - acting dumb or ignorant to gain advantage or get a "one up" on someone. 
  3. Dramatic Irony - when the audience knows more than the character does. 
  4. Verbal Irony - saying one thing but meaning the opposite; sarcasm
  5. Situational Irony - an unexpected outcome or ending.
  6. Euphemism - a mild or indirect word or expression substituted for one considered to be too harsh or blunt when referring to something unpleasant or embarrassing.
  7. Hyperbole - an exaggeration or overstatement 
  8. Paradox - a seemingly absurd or self-contradictory statement or proposition that when investigated or explained may prove to be well founded or true. "I must be cruel to be kind." - Hamlet (William Shakespeare)
  9. Connotation - the idea or feeling that a word envokes. 

  10. Denotation - the dictionary definition of a word. 


Extra List

  1. Folly (noun) - foolishness, lack of good sense
  2. Elated (adj) - lively, joyful
  3. Clamor (noun) - loud continuous noise or shouting
  4. Superfluous (adj) - unnecessary
  5. Incredulous (adj) - disbelieving
  6. Concurrent (adj) - simultaneous; happening at the same time
  7. Stigma (noun) - mark or reputation of shame or disgrace
  8. Obstinate (adj) - stubborn
  9. Perplexed (adj/verb) - confused
  10. Compensate - to make up for; to pay
  1. Conscious - awake, aware
  2. Deteriorate - to break down, decrease in volume
  3. Empathy - the quality of understanding
  4. Enlighten - to inform, furnish with knowledge
  5. Hypocrite - a person who says one thing, and does the other
  6. Improvise - to compose without preparation
  7. Integrate - to mix or blend parts to form a whole
  8. Malice - cruelty, evil, anger
  9. Nurture - to care for, to mother
  10. Putrid - rancid, rotten




Nothing but the Truth Vocab (list 1)

  1. Wholeheartedly - adverb - with complete sincerity and commitment
  2. Allocated - distribute (resources or duties) for a particular purpose.
  3. Potential - adj - having or showing the capacity to become or develop into something in the future; noun - abilities that may be developed and lead to future success or usefulness.
  4. Tiresome - adj - causing one to feel bored or annoyed.
  5. Bickering - verb - argue about petty and trivial matters.
  6. Outraged - arouse fierce anger or shock in (someone)
  7. Old-Fashioned - adj - in or according to styles or types no longer current or common; not modern.
  8. Transferred - move from one place to another.
  9. Informed - adj - having or showing knowledge of a particular subject or situation.
  10. Clever - quick to understand, learn, and devise or apply ideas; intelligent; skilled

Nothing but the Truth Vocab (list 2)

  1. Swear--v., to make a solemn statement or promise to do something or affirming that something is true

  2. Testimony--n., a formal written or spoken statement, especially one given in a court of law

  3. Bear witness--idiom, to show that something exists or is true; to make a statement that one saw or knows something

  4. Oath--n., a solemn usually formal calling upon God to witness to the truth of what one says or witness that one sincerely intends to do what one says

  5. Memorandum--n., an informal written record of something that has not yet become official; a communication that contains a directive, advisory, or informative matter

  6. Anthem--n., a song or hymn of praise or gladness; usually a rousing popular song that typifies or is identified with a particular subculture, movement, or point of view

  7. Superintendent--n., one who has executive oversight and charge. The superintendent of schools is in charge of all the schools within a school system.  

  8. Documentary--n., being or consisting of documents: contained or certified in writing

  9. Facilitate--v., to make easier; to help bring out

  10. Extracurricular--adj., not falling within the scope of a regular curriculum



List 3 - Gift of Magi Words

Agile - able to move quickly and easily

Assertion- a confident and forceful statement of fact and/or belief

Cascade - a small waterfall that falls in stages; or a process whereby something (usually information or knowledge) is passed on.

Chronicle- related in a factual way; a factual written account of important or historical events in the order they occurred.

Coveted - desire; yearn to possess or have something.

Inconsequential - not important or significant

Instigate - incite someone to do something (especially bad); bring about

Predominating - be the strongest or main element; be greater in number or amount

Prudence - cautious, showing good judgment; being careful; avoid dangers or risks.

Vestibule - a passage or hall between the outer door and a building; an enclosed entrance at the end of a railway passenger car.


List 2

  1. Rumpled - wrinkled, folded & crease
  2. Unorthodox - strange, unusual, unique
  3. Allot-v-to allow a specific portion to; divde equally
  4. Myriad-adj-many
  5. Skittish-adj-fearful and nervous
  6. Amass-v-to gain quickly
  7. Tether-v-to tie one thing to another
  8. Muster-v-gather the courage
  9. Recourse-n-a source of help or strength
  10. Blasé-adj-unconcerned


List 4

  1. inaugurate - begin or introduce (a system, policy, or period)
  2. incense - : material used to produce a fragrant odor when burned
  3. indifferent - having no particular interest or sympathy; unconcerned
  4. infinite - limitless or endless in space, extent, or size; impossible to measure or calculate
  5. instill - gradually but firmly establish (an idea or attitude, especially a desirable one) in a person'smind.
  6. institute - a society or organization having a particular object or common factor, especially a scietific, educational, or social one.
  7. intervene - come between so as to prevent or alter a result or course of events
  8. intricate - very complicated or detailed
  9. inventive - (of a person) having the ability to create or design new things or to think originally
  10. inventory - a complete list of items such as property, goods in stock, or the contents of a building




Most Dangerous Game Vocab

1. Palpable - able to be touched or felt. Tense atmosphere that it seems almost touchable or tangible. 

2. Indolently - having or showing a disposition to avoid exertion; slothful

3. Crimson - deep red in color

4. Lofty - tall; high structure

5. Discerned - distinguish or perceive 

6. Baronial - suitable for royalty or a baron

7. Ardent - enthusiastic or passionate.

8. Impudent -  not showing due respect for another person; impertinent.

9. Scruples - a feeling of doubt or hesitation with regard to the morality or propriety of a course of action.

10. Futile - incapable of producing any useful result; pointless.


The Necklace Vocab Words

  1. blunder - an embarrassing mistake
  2. distinguished - standing above others in character or attainment
  3. adorn - make more attractive, as by adding ornament or color
  4. humble - marked by meekness or modesty; not arrogant or prideful
  5. desolate - crushed by grief
  6. dwell - think moodily or anxiously about something
  7. exquisite - delicately beautiful
  8. convent - a religious residence especially for nuns
  9. modest - marked by simplicity; having a humble opinion of yourself
  10. hail - call for
  11. deprivation - the disadvantage that results from losing something
  12. robust - sturdy and strong in form, constitution, or construction
  13. awryturned or twisted to one side
  14. singular - unusual or striking
  15. naive - marked by or showing unaffected simplicity


Q2 Exam Vocab

1.Tone - not what you say, but how you say it. The way the author expresses his attitude through his writing.

2. Euphemism - a mild or indirect word or expression substituted for one considered to be too harsh or blunt when referring to something unpleasant or embarrassing.

3. Connotation - the idea or feeling that a word envokes. 

4. Denotation - the dictionary definition of a word. 

5. Thesis Statement - one sentence that expresses the main idea of a research paper or essay, such as an expository essay or argumentative essay. It makes a claim, directly answering a question.

6. Socratic Irony - acting dumb or ignorant to gain advantage or get a "one up" on someone. 

7. Dramatic Irony - when the audience knows more than the character does. 

8. Verbal Irony - saying one thing but meaning the opposite; sarcasm

9. Situational Irony - an unexpected outcome or ending.

10. Hyperbole - overexaggeration; exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.

11. Metaphor - comparison of two unlike things

12. Personification - giving human qualities to something non-human

13. Allusion - reference by an artist/writer to something/someone famous or well-known

14. Alliteration - repetition of consonant letters; the occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words.

15. Central Conflict - the main conflict of a story; the main opposition, obstacle or complication that characters need to navigate in order for the story to reach a conclusion.


List 2

  1. Elite - a select part of a group that is superior to the rest in terms of ability or qualities.
  2. Endeavor - try hard to do or achieve something.
  3. Exceptional unusual; not typical; unusually good; outstanding.
  4. Excruciating - intensely painful; mentally agonizing; very embarrassing, awkward, or tedious.
  5. Exemplify be a typical example of; illustrate by giving an example.
  6. Deplore -v-to have extreme dislike for
  7. Ornate -adj-highly decorated; fancy
  8. Prone -adj-existing as a likely possibility; likely; apt
  9. Oust -v-remove
  10. Sustain -v-to give support or relief to


Jan 11 List

  1. Cite- to mention, especially as an example or to support an idea or opinion. To write or say the words of
  2. Textual Evidence-support lifted directly from text to support inferences, claims, and assertions
  3. Expository Writing- writing to inform someone of something; presenting reasons, explanations, or steps in a process.
  4. Sources - someone or something that provides what is wanted or needed. : the cause of something (such as a problem) : a person, book, etc., that gives information.
  5. Bias - prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair.
  6. Evaluate-form ideas aboutthe value, validity or significance of.
  7. Inference - a conclusion drawn from evidence or reasoning; "reading between the lines."
  8. Explicit - clearly and directly stated; leaving no question about the meaning.
  9. Implicit- not directly stated but understood in what was expressed;
  10. Analyze - examine in detail.

Vocab List - Jan 18 Week

  1. chronological/Sequential - info in the passage is organized in order of time or a process is explained in order in which steps occur.
  2. Descriptive/Spatial - info is organized in order of space (top to bottom, left to right)
  3. Compare/Contrast - two or more things are described. Their similarities and differences are discussed. 
  4. Cause and Effect - The results of something are explained. "What happened?" (effect) or "Why did it happen" (cause)
  5. Problem and Solution - a problem is described and a response or solution is proposed or explained. 
  6. auto - self (Greek) - automotible/automatic
  7. bio - life  (Greek) - biology; biography
  8. chrono - time (Greek) - choronology; synchronize
  9. form - shape (Latin) - formaton, inform
  10. log/logue - thought (Latin) - logic, dialogue
  11. meter - measure (Greek) - thermometer; kilometer
  12. path - feel (Greek) - pathos; empathy, sympathy
  13. phil - love (Greek) - philosophy; bibliophile
  14. photo - light (Greek) - photograph; photosynthesis
  15. spect -  see (Latin) - spectator; spectacle, inspect

January Vocab

Jan. 25 List - common suffixes

  1. re - again (redo, revisit)
  2. pre - before (preheat)
  3. un - not (unnoticable)
  4. dis - not (dislike)
  5. in - not (indirect, incorrect, inaccurate)
  6. im - not (impartial, impolite)
  7. non - not (nonworking)
  8. mis - wrong, bad (misunderstood)
  9. anti - against (antisocial)
  10. dis - not (dislike)
  11. with - against (without)
  12. over - above/beyond (overboard, overzealous)
  13. ex - former (ex-wife)
  14. post- after (post-War era)
  15. co - with (coworker)

Unbroken Novel Vocab - List 1

1. Zepplin -  a type of rigid airship named after the German Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin

2. Habitually - by way of habit; customarily.

3. Resilient - able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions.

4. Optimism- hopefulness and confidence about the future or the successful outcome of something.

5. Melee - a confused fight, skirmish, or scuffle.

6. Rehabilitation - the action of restoring someone to health or normal life through training and therapy after imprisonment, addiction, or illness.

7. Mania - mental illness marked by periods of great excitement, euphoria, delusions, and overactivity;  excessive desire, excitement, or enthusiasm.

8. Obliterating - destroy utterly; wipe out.

9. Prestigious - inspiring respect and admiration; having high status.

10. Inferno - a large fire that is dangerously out of control.


Unbroken Novel Vocab - List 2 

1. Ghoulish - resembling or characteristic of a ghoul.

2. Propaganda - information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view

3. Stamina - the ability to sustain prolonged physical or mental effort.

4. Embargo - an official ban on trade or other commercial activity with a particular country.

5. Matinee - a performance in a theater or a showing of a movie that takes place in the daytime.

6. POW's - Prisoners of War; a person who has been captured and imprisoned by the enemy in war.

7. Commissioned - give an order for or authorize the production of (something such as a building, piece of equipment, or work of art). Commissioned officers (like during WWII) were militatry personnel with rank, managers, officials making decisions. 

8. Verge - an edge or border; approach (something) closely; be close or similar to (something).

9. Problematic - constituting or presenting a problem or difficulty. 

10. Amiable - having or displaying a friendly and pleasant manner; friendly/cordial/pleasant


Unbroken Novel Vocab - List 3

1. Adversity - difficulties; misfortune.

2. Contentedly - in a way that expresses happiness or satisfaction.

3. Ebullient - cheerful and full of energy; boiling

4. Simulated - manufactured in imitation of some other material; imitating the conditions of something, especially as a training exercise.

5. Twin Rudders - A rudder is a primary control surface used to steer a ship, boat, submarine, hovercraft, aircraft, or other conveyance that moves through a fluid medium (generally air or water) (twin = two)

6. Insignia - a badge or distinguishing mark of military rank, office, or membership of an organization; an official emblem; mark or token of something

7. Ribald - vulgar or indecent in speech, language; refers to sexual matters in a rude but humorous way:

8. Recipients - a person or thing that receives or is awarded something.

9. Ferocious - savagely fierce, cruel, or violent; characterized by or involving aggression, bitterness, and determination

10. Hordes - a large group of people.


Pandemonium (noun) - wild, excitement, chaos

  • Anachronism (noun) - something out of place or time (ana - back against - Greek), (chron/o - time), (ism - act, state, condition)
  • Ambiguous (adj) - vague or unclear due to having more than one possible meaning or interpretation
  • Dissipate (verb) - to scatter or disperse
  • Mundane (adj) - common, ordinary
  • Dehydrate (verb) - to take water from (de - away, down, not) (hydro - water)
  • Perpetual (adj) - continual, continuous, without end
  • Avert (verb) - to turn away, to prevent
  • Stealthy (adj) - sly, sneaky, secretive
  • Monomania (noun) - mental illness - obsession over a single subject (mono-one), (mania - intense craving, loss of reason) (ia - condition)


List 1 - move to replace Anne Frank List 2

  • Haughty (adj) - excessively proud, arrogant
  • Benign (adj)- kind, gentle; harmless
  • Bewildered (adj) - confused or baffled
  • Chronic (adj) - related to time (chron - time), (ic - pertaining to, characteristic of - comes from Latin icus)
  • Animosity (noun) - hostility, ill will
  • Treacherous (adj) - dangerous
  • Irrelevant (adj) - not related to, not pertinent
  • Pertinent (adj) - relevant, related
  • Gall (noun) - nerve, boldness
  • Scrutinize (verb) - examine closely or carefully

List 2 (Anne Frank list)

  1. Aggravating - annoying; make worse; re-injure; troublesome
  2. Appalled - stunned; dismayed;
  3. Jubilation - celebration; triumph; satisfaction
  4. Apprehension - hesitation; caught, arrested, detained
  5. Loathe - extreme dislike; hatred; intense dislike/disgust
  6. Sustenance - Food/drink; allows you to live; source of strength
  7. Disgruntled - angry; dissatisfied
  8. Intuition - your gut feeling; inner thoughts; first impressions
  9. Oppression - prolonged cruel or unjust treatment or control; mental distress
  10. Tyranny - under someone's rule; cruel or oppressive government rule

List 3 - Anne Frank List

  1. Onslaught - a fierce or destructive attack
  2. Vile - extremely unpleasant; foul; nasty; bad; horrid; horrible
  3. Forlorn - pitifully sad; abandoned or lonely
  4. Wallow - take pleasure, satisfaction or indulge; roll about, lie, splash
  5. Insufferable - too extreme to bear; intolerable; overwhelming
  6. Pent-Up - closely held back or confined
  7. Pandemonium - wild; noisy; disorder; chaos
  8. Stealthily - something done secretly, slyly, or in a manner designed to not attract attention
  9. Compassionate - feeling or showing sympathy or concern for others
  10. Ostentatiously - trying to impress others; trying to attract attention

List 4 - Anne Frank vocab list

1. Diary

2. Historical

3. Impact

4. Melancholy

5. Enhance

6. Emigrate

7. Capitulation

8. Succession

9. Anxiety

10. Anti-Semitism


February Vocab

Unbroken Novel Vocab - List 4

1. Anomalous - deviating from what is standard, normal, or expected. Bizarre, peculiar, unusual 

2. Attrition - the action or process of gradually reducing the strength or effectiveness of someone or something through sustained attack or pressure.

3. Tempest(s) - violent, windy storm; tumultous; uproar

4. Paralyzed - partly or wholly incapable of movement.

5. Detouring - take a long or roundabout route; avoid or bypass

6. Inadvertently - without intention; accidentally. By accident; unwittingly

7. Infractions - a violation or infringement of a law or agreement. Breach; transgression; Breaking of a law, rule, or agreement

8. Walloped - strike or hit (someone or something) very hard. Crack, pummel, punch

9. Eccentric - (of a person or their behavior) unconventional and slightly strange. Odd, different, free spirit

10. Relinquished - voluntarily cease to keep or claim; give up. Part ways with


Unbroken Novel Vocab - List 5

1. Excruiating - intensely painful.

2. Shrapnel - fragments of a bomb, shell, or other object thrown out by an explosion.

3. Livid- furiously angry.

4. Tussle - a vigorous struggle or scuffle, typically in order to obtain or achieve something. Fight; rough and tumble

5. Stampede - a sudden panicked rush of a number of horses, cattle, or other animals. Rush, flee, charge

6. Forlorn - pitifully sad and abandoned or lonely. Hopeless; no chance of success

7. Morgue - a place where bodies are kept, especially to be identified or claimed.

8. Morphine - medicine for pain

9. Foxhole - a hole in the ground used by troops as a shelter against enemy fire or as a firing point.

10. Turret - 

  1. a small tower on top of a larger tower or at the corner of a building or wall, typically of a castle.

  2. a mollusk with a long, slender, pointed spiral shell, typically brightly colored and living in tropical seas.


Unbroken Novel Vocab - List 6 (Chapters 11-12)

1. Despised - utter hatred for something or someone

2. Provisions (box) - the box containing supplies provided by the military. 

3. Gyrating - move or cause to move in a circle or spiral, especially quickly. Spin; Twirl; Swivel

4. Disintegrated - break up into small parts, typically as the result of impact or decay.

5. Stupor - a state of near-unconsciousness or insensibility.

6. Perforate - pierce and make a hole or holes in. Puncture; prick

7. Resistant - offering resistance to something or someone. Fighting or pushing back

8. Reveler - a person who is enjoying themselves in a lively and noisy way.

9. Obituary - announcement of one's death;

10. Fierce Conviction - strong persuasion or belief


Unbroken List 7 (Chapters 18-21)

  1.  Constituted - be (a part) of a whole; give legal or constitutional form to (an institution); establish by law.
  2. Skittering - move lightly and quickly or hurriedly; draw (bait) jerkily across the surface of the water as a technique in fishing.
  3. Averted - turn away (one's eyes or thoughts); prevent or ward off (an undesirable occurrence).
  4. Depicting - show or represent by a drawing, painting, or other art form; portray in words or describe
  5. Furtive - attempting to avoid notice or attention, typically because of guilt or a belief that discovery would lead to trouble; secretive; suggestive of guilty nervousness.
  6. Strenuous - requiring or using great exertion.
  7. Interrogate - ask questions of (someone, especially a suspect or a prisoner) closely, aggressively, or formally.
  8. Distress - extreme anxiety, sorrow, or pain.
  9. Inevitability(also called inevitable) - the quality of being certain to happen.
  10. Accumulation - the acquisition or gradual gathering of something; a mass or quantity of something


Unbroken List 8 Chapters 23-26)

  1. barracks (n) - a building or group of buildings used to house soldiers
  2. quarantine (n) - a state, period, or place of isolation in which people or animals exposed to infectious or contagious disease are placed
  3. ratified (v) - sign or give formal consent to (a treaty, contract, or agreement), making it officially valid
  4. propaganda (n) - information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.
  5. demoralize (v) - cause (someone) to lose confidence or hope; dispirit
  6. tattered (adj) - old and torn; in poor condition
  7. subzero (adj) - below zero on the Fahrenheit scale (–18 Celsius); very cold
  8. convoy (n) - a group of ships or vehicles traveling together, typically accompanied by armed troops, warships, or other vehicles for protection
  9. parcel (n) - a thing or collection of things wrapped in paper in order to be carried or sent by mail
  10. placid (adj) - (of a person or animal) not easily upset or excited

Unbroken List 9 (Chapters 27-31)

  1.  Vicious - deliberately cruel or violent; immoral
  2. Amiable - having or displaying a friendly and pleasant manner.
  3. Gaping - (of a hole, wound, etc.) wide open.
  4. Slogan - a short and striking or memorable phrase used in advertising; a motto
  5. Uninhabitable - (of a place) unsuitable for living in.
  6.  Henchman - a faithful follower or political supporter, especially one prepared to engage in crime or dishonest practices by way of service.
  7. Abruptly - suddenly and unexpectedly; in a rude or curt manner
  8. Subdue - overcome, quieten, or bring under control (a feeling or person); bring (a country or people) under control by force.
  9.  Catastrophic - involving or causing sudden great damage or suffering; extremely unfortunate or unsuccessful.
  10. Solicitious - characterized by or showing interest or concern; eager or anxious to do something. 


12 Angry Men Vocab

  1. Justice: fairness; the justice system refers to the court system, which helps resolve disputes and ensure that every is treated justly
  2. Defendant: another name for “the accused” person (his job is to defend himself)
  3. Prosecution: the person or persons who are bringing the lawsuit
  4. Impartial jury: one of the protections in our justice system; “impartial” means not biased or unfairly prejudiced; this means that none of the members of the jury can have an unfair stigma about the person on trial
  5. Pre-meditated homicide (murder): pre-meditated murder is the worst kind of murder (first degree murder) according to the courts; pre-meditated means the person planned the murder beforehand; people who are found guilty of pre-meditated murder often get harshly punished (in some states, this means the death penalty)
  6. Charge: if you are “charged” with a crime that means that the police have formally written you up for committing a crime; being “charged” doesn’t necessarily mean you did it—it just means you are a suspect in the crime
  7. Convicted: If you are convicted of a crime, it means the jury has found you guilty
  8. Sentence: the judge determines your sentence or punishment
  9. Testimony: a formal statement or speech; in a trial, witnesses are supposed to give a testimony of what they know about the crime
  10. Deliberate: to debate; in a trial, the twelve jurors must go to a separate room to deliberate and reach an agreement
  11. Verdict: the final decision of the jury (guilty or not guilty?)
  12. Reasonable Doubt: On page 6 the judge tells the jurors, “If there is reasonable doubt (or “reason to doubt that the evidence proves guilty”), then you must bring me a verdict of ‘not guilty’.”
  13. Unanimous verdict: this is one of the protections in our justice system; unanimous means that everyone must come to the same conclusion—all twelve jurors must deliberate until they agree whether the charged person is guilty or not guilty


List 1 - Anne Frank vocab

  1. Loathe
  2. Oppressive
  3. Monotonous
  4. Ludicrous
  5. Gestapo
  6. Pious
  7. Evade
  8. Barbarous
  9. Tranquility
  10. Row


List 2  Anne Frank List 4


  1. Intuition - ability to know immediately without reasoning
  2. Inarticulate - speechless or unable to express oneself
  3. Ostentatiously - in a showy way
  4. Fatalist - one who believes that all events are determined by fate and cannot be changed.
  5. Meticulous - extremely careful about details
  6. Indignant - filled with anger over some meanness or injustice
  7. Ineffectually - without producing the desired effect
  8. Humiliated - make someone feel ashamed and foolish by injuring their dignity and self-respect, especially publicly.
  9. Inferiority Complex - a lack of self-worth, a doubt and uncertainty, and feelings of not measuring up to standards.
  10. Poise - graceful, elegant; balance

List 3 - Black History Month Words


  1. Civil Rights - the rights of citizens to political and social freedom and equality.
  2. Heritage - property that is or may be inherited; an inheritance;a special or individual possession; an allotted portion. 
  3. Abolitionist -a person who favors the abolition of a practice or institution, especially capital punishment or (formerly) slavery.
  4. Advocate - (noun) a person who publicly supports or recommends a particular cause or policy.
  5. (verb) publicly recommend or support.
  6. Equality - the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, and opportunities.
  7. Prejudice - preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience.
  8. Segregation - the action or state of setting someone or something apart from other people or things or being set apart.
  9. Boycott - a punitive ban that forbids relations with certain groups, cooperation with a policy, or the handling of goods.
  10. Justice - just behavior or treatment.
  11. Demonstration - a public meeting or march protesting against something or expressing views on a political issue.

March Vocab

Q3 Exam Review List

1. Allusion – a reference to something or someone famous or well-known

2. Indicative Mood – a statement, opinion, or fact

3. Interrogative Mood – asks a question

4. Imperative Mood – gives a command (telling you to do something)

5. Subjunctive Mood – a wish or hypothetical

6. Conditional Mood – cause/effect; if this, then that; something will happen

7. Active Voice – the subject is doing or causing the action (SAO – subject, action, object)

8. Passive Voice – the subject is the recipient of the action (OAS – object, action, subject). Includes a double verb (form of “to be”)

9. Informative Essay aka Expository – an essay providing information and facts; not opinion based

10. Textual Evidence  - evidence taken directly from the text/article/book supporting your claims/answers.

List 1

Redundant (adj) - unnecessary repetition of words or ideas
Distraught (adj) - worried, anxious
Bickering (verb/adj) - arguing
Symphonic (adj) - having many sounds (sym - with, together), (phon/0- sound) (ie: like or related to)
Somber (adj) - gloomy, sad, serious
Apprehensive (adj) - worried, anxious
Dismal (adj) - dreary, bleak
Hypochromia (adj) - lack of color (hypo - under, below) (chrom/a - color) (ia - condition)
Vexed (adj.) - irritated or annoyed
Audacity (noun) - boldness, nerve


List 4

  1. Aloof - not friendly or forthcoming; cool and distant. Uninvolved and uninterested
  2. Commemorate - recall and show respect for (someone or something) in a ceremony. A celebration, honor, salute, or tribute.
  3. Durable - able to withstand wear, pressure, or damage; hard-wearing.
  4. Jurisdiction - the official power to make legal decisions and judgments.
  5. Languish - lose or lack vitality; grow weak or feeble.
  6. Muse - a woman, or a force personified as a woman, who is the source of inspiration for a creative artist.
  7. Pivotal - of crucial importance in relation to the development or success of something else.
  8. Plausible - seeming reasonable or probable.
  9. Rebuke - express sharp disapproval or criticism of (someone) because of their behavior or actions
  10. Sporadic - occurring at irregular intervals or only in a few places; scattered or isolated. Irregular or sketchy



Q3 Exam Review

  1. Folktales - a story originating in popular culture, typically passed on by word of mouth.

  2. Tall Tales - "Tall tales" are stories that are told as if they were true but contain exaggerated or unbelievable parts. Some tall tales are exaggerations of real events, while others are completely make-believe

  3. Fables - a short story, typically with animals as characters, conveying a moral.

  4. Fairytales - a children's story about magical and imaginary beings and lands.

  5.  Bias- prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair.

  6. chronological/Sequential - info in the passage is organized in order of time or a process is explained in order in which steps occur.

  7. Descriptive/Spatial - info is organized in order of space (top to bottom, left to right)

  8. Compare/Contrast - two or more things are described. Their similarities and differences are discussed. 

  9. Cause and Effect - The results of something are explained. "What happened?" (effect) or "Why did it happen" (cause)

  10. Problem and Solution - a problem is described and a response or solution is proposed or explained. 

  11. Prefixes - a word, letter, or number placed before another.

  12. Suffixes - added at the end of a word to form a derivative, e.g., -ation-fy-ing-itis.

  13. Root words - A root word has no prefix or suffix — it's the most basic part of a word. The root word at the heart of "conformity," for example, is "form."

  14. Credible Sources -  are ones the reader can trust. We trust that the author's ideas are his or her own and can be backed up with evidence. 

  15. Allusions - a reference to someone or something famous 



Poetry List 1

  1. Sestet - a group of six lines of verse
  2. Caesura- a break or pause in the middle of a verse line
  3. Couplet- a stanza consisting of two successive lines of verse
  4. Internal Rhyme - a rhyme between words in the same line
  5. Octave- a rhythmic group of eight lines of verse
  6. Ballad - A song or song-like poem that tells a story
  7. Epic - A long narrative poem that is written in heightened language and tells stories of the deeds of a heroic character who embodies that values of a society.
  8. Limerick - A very short humorous or nonsensical poem with five lines.
  9. Ode - A lyric poem, rhymed or unrhymed, on a serious subject. These are typically addressed to one person/thing
  10. Quatrain - A poem or stanza of four lines.

Poetry List 2

  1. Rhyme - The repetition of accented vowel sounds and all sounds following them in words that are close together in a poem.
  2. Sonnet - A fourteen-line poem, usually written in iambic pentameter
  3. Stanza - A group of consecutive lines in a poem that form a single unit. It is comparable to a paragraph in an essay.
  4. Haiku - Short poem of Japanese origins, frequently 17 syllables in length in three lines and about nature. (5 syllables, 7 syllables, 5 syllables)
  5. Free Verse - Rhythmical lines, usually unrhymed, that vary in length and follow no strict metrical pattern.
  6. Light Verse - Playful poetry that combines whimsy with mild satire. Nursery rhymes are light verse.
  7. Symbol - an object, person, or idea that stands for something beyond itself.
  8. Narrative Poetry - tells a story.
  9. Lyric Poetry - expresses personal thoughts and feelings; song-like or musical.
  10. Imagery - descriptive detail that appeals to the senses.

March 29 

Figurative Language 

  1. Simile - comparison using like or as (example: As brave as a lion)
  2. Metaphor - comparison not using like or as (example: Love is a Battlefield)
  3. Personification - giving human characteristics to something non-human
  4. Onomatopoeia - sound words; a word that sounds like what it represents 
  5. Oxymoron - a term that features two words that contradict each other (for example: Biggie Smalls, jumbo shrimp, the woman is pretty ugly)
  6. Hyperbole - an exaggeration (example: my granddad is as old as time)
  7. Symbolism - something that represents or stands for something else
  8. Idiom - a phrase that bears no literal meaning to what it's describing but implies the facts/story behind it
  9. Alliteration - repetition of consonant letters (Sally sells seashells down by the seashore)
  10. Puns - a play on words; forms a joke or is humorous (for example: a horse is a very stable animal)

April Vocab

Green Angel Vocabulary List 1 - Chapter 1 Heart and List 2 - Chapter 2 - Soul

1. Beacon - signal; source; a fire or light set up in a high or prominent position as a warning, signal, or celebration.

2. Fearless - lacking fear; heroic; 

3. Storekeepers - a person who owns or runs a store

4. Coax - gently and persistently persuade (someone) to do something.

5. Biding (her time) - remain or stay somewhere; wait 

6. Perished - died; suffer death; volent death

7. Burden - typically a heavy load; a duty or misfortune that causes hardship, anxiety, or grief; a nuisance.

8. Kettles - a container or device in which water is boiled, having a lid, spout, and handle; a teakettle.  A large metal pot with a handle 

9. Looters - a person who steals goods or food, especially during a war or riot

10. Arbitrarily - without restraint; on the basis of random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system.

11. Brackish - unpleasant or distasteful; (of water) slightly salty, as is the mixture of river water and seawater in estuaries.

12. Evaporating - cease to exist; turn from liquid to vapor

13. Precautions  - defense; provisions; safeguards; a measure taken in advance to prevent something dangerous, unpleasant, or inconvenient from happening.

14. Thoroughfare - main road in town; a road or path forming a route between two places.

15. Lurking - remaining hidden so as to wait in ambush.

16. Sorrow - a feeling of deep distress caused by loss, disappointment, or other misfortune suffered by oneself or others.

17. Distinguish - treat as different; perceive or point out a difference. Prominent or Worthy

18. Honorable - being worthy of honor; used as a title indicating eminence or distinction, given especially to judges and certain high officials.

19. Reputation  -the beliefs or opinions that are generally held about someone or something.

20. Pathetic  - arousing pity, especially through vulnerability or sadness; miserably inadequate.



Green Witch Vocabulary and Chapters 3 and 4

List 1 - Chapters 1 and 2

1. Resentful - feeling or expressing bitterness or indignation at having been treated unfairly.

2. Cinders - a small piece of partly burned coal or wood that has stopped giving off flames but still has combustible matter in it.

3. Flourishing - developing rapidly and successfully; thriving.

4. Battered - injured by repeated blows or punishment. Shabby

5. Solace - comfort or consolation in a time of distress or sadness.

6. Dictated - lay down authoritatively; prescribe. Say or Read aloud

7. Yearned - have an intense feeling of longing for something, typically something that one has lost or been separated from.

8. Torrents - a strong and fast-moving stream of water or other liquid; sudden or violent outpouring

9. Saturated - holding as much water or moisture as can be absorbed; thoroughly soaked.

10. Hodgepodge- a confused mixture

11. Contraptions - a machine or device that appears strange or unnecessarily complicated, and often badly made or unsafe

12. Oblige - be indebted or grateful; make someone legally bound to an action

13. Toll (taker) - someone employed to collect tolls

14. Tinged - emit a sharp, clear, ringing sound.

15 Thrumming -make a continuous rhythmic humming sound. Strum or Rhythmic

16. Hedge - a fence or boundary formed by closely growing bushes or shrubs.

17. Meshing - lock together or be engaged with another gearwheel. Engage, interlock

18. Sulfur - the chemical element of atomic number 16, a yellow combustible nonmetal.

19. Merely- just; only

20. Trekking - a long arduous journey, especially one made on foot.

21. Iridescent - showing luminous colors that seem to change when seen from different angles.

22. Generators - a person or thing that generates something. A machine that runs power when the power is out

23. Tinkerer - mender

24. Hastening - to be quick to do something; move or travel hurriedly.





List 1

  1. Pungent - having a sharply strong taste or smell.
  2. Recourse - a source of help in a difficult situation.
  3. Articulate -having or showing the ability to speak fluently and coherently.
  4. Elite - a select part of a group that is superior to the rest in terms of ability or qualities.
  5. Overt - done or shown openly; plainly or readily apparent, not secret or hidden.
  6. Fend - look after and provide for oneself, without any help from others.
  7. Convey - make (an idea, impression, or feeling) known or understandable to someone. Communicate a message.
  8. Crucial - of great importance; decisive or critical, especially in the success or failure of something.
  9. Succumb - fail to resist (pressure, temptation, or some other negative force). Die from the effect of a disease or injury.
  10. Exquisite- extremely beautiful and, typically, delicate.

List 1

  1. Diminution - decrease, reduce, lesson, diminish
  2. Assail - criticize or attack
  3. Disbelief - inability or refusal to accept that something is true or real.; lack of faith in something
  4. Exotic- originating in or characteristic of a distant foreign country.
  5. Uproar- a loud and impassioned noise or disturbance.
  6. Debris - scattered fragments, typically of something wrecked or destroyed.
  7. Diligent - having or showing care and conscientiousness in one's work or duties.
  8. Contradict - be in conflict with; deny the truth of (a statement), especially by asserting the opposite.
  9. Predict - say or estimate that (a specified thing) will happen in the future or will be a consequence of something.
  10. Undermine- damage or weaken (someone or something), especially gradually

List 2

Collateral - something pledged as security for repayment of a loan, to be forfeited in the event of a default.

2. Erroneous - wrong, incorrect, false, untrue. Synonym - wrong, mistaken

3. Liaison - communication or cooperation that facilitates a close working relationship between people or organizations.

4. Preceding - come before something in time

5. Irrevocable - not able to be changed, reversed, or recovered; final.

6. Idiosyncrasy - a mode of behavior or way of thought peculiar to an individual.

7. Innumerable - too many to be counted. Synonym - countless, limitless

8. Depreciation - a reduction in the value of an asset with the passage of time, due in particular to wear and tear.Synonym - markdown or reduction

9. Negligence - failure to take proper care in doing something.

10. Haphazard - lacking any obvious principle of organization.Synonym - aimless, careless, chaotic, irregular