Tuesdays with Morrie

Tuesdays with Morrie pdf (digital book)

Tuesdays with Morrie Unit

Spark Notes


Lessons on living with Ted Koppel links

Tuesday’s with Morrie - Interview with author Mitch Albom

Green Lit Book page 

Morrie on Nightline video


Vocab List 1


1. biopsy (p.7), (n.) – a medical test commonly performed by a doctor OR surgeon  on organ or tissue cells

2. demise (p. 10), (n.) – a person’s death

3. insatiable (p.16), (adj.) incapable of being satisfied

4. aphorisms (p.18), (n.) – a brief, general truth about life

5. deferments (p.30), (n.) delaying something; official postponement of military service

6. lamented (p.42), (v.)  - to express sorrow, grief, or mourning

7. atrophied (atrophy) (p.48), (v.) – to wither, shrivel up, or die

8. insidious (p.57), (adj.) stealthy, proceeding in a gradual manner and with harmful effects

9. intrusive (p.62), (adj.) – disturbing someone or something without invitation

10. clamoring (p.62), (v.) -  to create a loud uproar; to make a passionate protest or demand


Vocab - List 2


1. opiate (pg. 67)(n.) a drug with morphine-like effects, derived from opium

2. communal (pg. 74) (adj.) shared by all members of a community; for common use. 

3. antidote (pg.77) (n.) something that counteracts or neutralizes an unpleasant feeling or situation

4. exploited (pg.78) (v.) to use (a situation or person) in an unfair or selfish way

5. indecipherable (pg. 80) (adj.) not able to be read or understood

6. solidarity (pg. 80) (n.) unity or agreement of feeling or action; mutual support within a group 

7. agnostic (pg. 81) (n.) a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God 

8. transcend (pg. 82)(v.) to rise above or go beyond; overpass; exceed 

9. deficient (pg. 84) (adj.) not having enough of a specified quality or ingredient 

10. teeming (pg. 90)(v.) to be full of or swarming with


TWM MLA Essay- My Living Funeral


For this assignment, you will plan your very own living funeral. Remember the purpose this type of funeral served in Tuesdays With Morrie. You should consider several aspects such as:

-decorations -speakers -readings -atmosphere -food -attire/dress -attendees/guests -music

In a well-developed essay, tell us the wide variety of details from above that would make this particular day of your life so monumental and special. You may simply want to begin by explaining why you would want to have a living funeral in the first place, and then follow up with the details of what it would be like. Do not simply list information from the previous section. This should be a well-organized writing piece. See the rubric below for how you will be graded.   


-MLA header (we will go over this in class today!)

-Typed in Google Docs

-Times New Roman

-Font size 12

-Double spaced

- one page (minimum)


Dr. Kevorkian Questions

Answer the following questions IN COMPLETE SENTENCES! All answers will need support and explanations. Many of these are opinion-based questions that you will need to explain. 

  1. Do you believe Dr. Kevorkian when he says he assisted those in dying for medical purposes, or do you believe there was more behind his action? What makes you think this way?

  2. People often euthanize pets as a means of comforting them when they are ill or injured (or in the cases of some overcrowded shelters, just because). Do you think this practice hurts or helps the argument for assisted suicide? Explain.

  3. “Passive euthanasia” is where somebody refuses medication knowing they will die without it. Do you think this is okay? Explain. 

  4. If Morrie were face to face with “Dr. Death” what choice do you think he would make? What evidence from Tuesdays with Morrie or the Audiovisual segments makes you think this? 

  5.  What is one piece of advice you think Morrie would give to “Dr. Death’s” patients before they made their final decision to end their lives? What part of Tuesdays w/Morrie makes you think this way?


Chapter 3 Questions


he 3rd Tues.

1. What does Mitch decide to do in order to preserve his memories with Morrie? What is Mitch’s fear in asking Morrie for this intrusion?

2. How does Morrie feel about the tape recorded?

3. Explain the irony in the following passage: “But it was also becoming clear to me—through his courage, his humor, his patience, and his openness—that Morrie was looking at life from some very different place than anyone else I knew.  A healthier place.  A more sensible place. And he was about to die.”

4. When Mitch first sees Morrie on Nightline, what does Mitch wonder?

5. Does Mitch have any regrets about his life? Explain.

6. How does Morrie respond to Mitch’s question?

7. What conclusion does Mitch make about Morrie’s response?

8. What does Mitch hope to gain from his conversations with Morrie? Cite the imagery that he uses on page 65-66.

9. What list of topics does Mitch want to discuss with Morrie?

10. Explain the purpose of the last line of the chapter. “The list was in my bag when I returned to West Newton for the fourth time, a Tuesday in late August when the air-conditioning at the Logan Airport terminal was not working, and people fanned  themselves and wiped sweat angrily from their foreheads, and every face I saw looked ready to kill somebody.” (Pg. 66)



As humans, we understand that the ABCs are the most basic element needed to understand nearly all aspects of life. Why else would we learn to sing them, say them, and recognize them as wee toddlers? For this project, you are going to take this concept of the ABCs and use it to show us your basic understanding of the book Tuesdays with Morrie. 


Task: Students will find meaningful words or phrases for all letters of the alphabet except x and z. 

          Students will explain the connection between the words/phrases in relation to Tuesdays w/Morrie.

          Students will include at least 3 CITED quotes to further connect their explanation to the novel.

          Students will creatively display their findings in a digital or paper format. 


Grading: ABC Book Rubric 


Exemplar (5)

Developed (4)

Limited (3)

Appearance/ Neatness

The project is visually appealing, clear, and colorful.  It is nicely spaced and easy to read. It is clear that effort was put into the design.

The project is somewhat visually appealing and/or colorful. It is somewhat easy to read and nicely spaced. Some effort made. 

The project is not visually appealing/lacks color. Difficult to read or awkwardly spaced. Little effort was made or the project was rushed. 




Exceptional idea development with supporting details written in the author’s own words, or correctly credited if quoted.

3 or more quotes used.

Satisfactory idea development with some supporting details written mainly in the author’s own words, or correctly credited if quoted.

2 or 1 quote used.

Unclear, incorrect, or limited idea development with lack of details.  Author’s own words are not used, or quotes are not correctly credited.

No quotes used.


Exceptional explanations and ties between alphabet letters and the book

Satisfactory explanations and ties between alphabet letters and the book. 

Limited explanations and ties between alphabet letters  and the book. 


All quotes cited and done so correctly.

Quotes cited but with maybe 1 or two mistakes.

Citations missing. 

Mechanics, grammar, spelling

Project contains only minor mechanical errors.

Project contains some mechanical errors, but does not distract the reader.

Mechanical errors distract the reader.