W.E.I.R.D. Time

W.E.I.R.D. Time - We Enjoy Independent Reading Daily

Each day students will devote at least 10 minutes to independent reading. Students may choose their own book from the YMS library or pick one of mine. Books must be at least 100 pages in length.

Gutenberg - 60,000 free e-books - https://www.gutenberg.org/


Digital Book Links/Short Story Links

Farenheit 451 digital book - http://www.secret-satire-society.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Ray-Bradbury-Fahrenheit-451.pdf

The Old Man and the Sea - https://la.utexas.edu/users/jmciver/Honors/Fiction%202013/Hemmingway_The%20Old%20Man%20and%20the%20Sea_1952.pdf

The Pearl - https://www.ptbeach.com/cms/lib02/NJ01000839/Centricity/Domain/211/The-Pearl-John-Steinbeck.pdf

Nothing but the Truth - http://leej.mcschools.net/UserFiles/Servers/Server_34989/File/Nothing%20But%20The%20Truth%20-%20Avi%20(1).pdf

Flowers for Algernon - https://www.sreb.org/sites/main/files/file-attachments/flowersforalgernon.selected_excerptpdf_0.pdf

Raymond's Run - (Raymond's Run)

The Necklace - 

The Ransom of Red Chief - 

The Open Window

Most Dangerous Game

Ray Bradbury

Problem of Cell 13 - Problem of Cell 13
Escape from Alcatraz video


The Lottery 

The Lottery pdf file


Charles by Shirley Jackson - page 22 in Brown Literature book.


Touching Spirit Bear



12 Angry Men - Link to digital book