Poetry/Children's Books

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Paul Revere's Ride poem
Paul Revere's Ride (YouTube video of dramatic reading)

Walt Whitman

Mini Bio on Whitman - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nla-JDEp4jw&t=5s

Mini Bio on Langston Hughes - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inP76rkYUso

Mini Bio on MLK Jr- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ank52Zi_S0

Gifted Hands by Ben Carson - http://www.readnovelonlinefree.com/reading/Gifted-Hands-The-Ben-Carson-Story-7402/784034

ELA Project – Due Thursday, April 1, 2021


Option 1: Poetry Booklet & Rubric
Create a poetry booklet (on copy paper or construction paper)

Your Poetry Booklet can be a printed or hand written.
20 points - 10 Poems (the name of the poem and the author) - 10 different types of poems (Lyric, Ballad, Epic, Ode, Limerick, Free Verse, Sonnet, Haiku, Acrostic, Couplet)
20 points - 10 Definitions define each type of poetry type. ie: Ballad - song like poem
20 points - 10 Explanations describe why is this poem part of that specific genre.
20 points - 10 Illustrations drawing, the poem written out, print out of the cover/image
17 points - Table of Contents (at the beginning of your booklet, give the poem type/name and the page number it can be found on within your booklet)
3 points - Cover (your full name, the title Poetry Booklet, class period)
Bonus Points - write your own poem on the last page or back cover


Option 2 : Children’s Book

Create a 20-page children’s book (on copy paper or construction paper)

Your children’s book can be printed or hand-written. It should tell a story from beginning to end. (Think of your favorite children’s book you read when you were young).

5 points each - 10 pages will have images

5 points each - 10 pages will have text

Incorporate figurative language in your book. Underline or highlight the specific figurative language examples. For example : His eyes were as bright as the sun setting over the Utah desert. (simile)

Bonus points – read your children’s book to the class

Poetry Vocab - List 1

  1. Sestet - a group of six lines of verse

  2. Caesura- a break or pause in the middle of a verse line

  3. Couplet- a stanza consisting of two successive lines of verse

  4. Internal Rhyme - a rhyme between words in the same line

  5. Octave- a rhythmic group of eight lines of verse

  6. Ballad - A song or song-like poem that tells a story

  7. Epic - A long narrative poem that is written in heightened language and tells stories of the deeds of a heroic character who embodies that values of a society.

  8. Limerick - A very short humorous or nonsensical poem with five lines.

  9. Ode - A lyric poem, rhymed or unrhymed, on a serious subject. These are typically addressed to one person/thing

  10. Quatrain - A poem or stanza of four lines.


Poetry Vocab List 2

  1. Rhyme - The repetition of accented vowel sounds and all sounds following them in words that are close together in a poem.

  2. Sonnet - A fourteen-line poem, usually written in iambic pentameter

  3. Stanza - A group of consecutive lines in a poem that form a single unit. It is comparable to a paragraph in an essay.

  4. Haiku - Short poem of Japanese origins, frequently 17 syllables in length in three lines and about nature. (5 syllables, 7 syllables, 5 syllables)

  5. Free Verse - Rhythmical lines, usually unrhymed, that vary in length and follow no strict metrical pattern.

  6. Light Verse - Playful poetry that combines whimsy with mild satire. Nursery rhymes are light verse.

  7. Symbol - an object, person, or idea that stands for something beyond itself.

  8. Narrative Poetry - tells a story.

  9. Lyric Poetry - expresses personal thoughts and feelings; song-like or musical.

  10. Imagery - descriptive detail that appeals to the senses.

Notes on Poetry

A type of literature that expresses ideas, _____________________________, or tells a story  in a specific form (usually using lines and stanzas)

Poetry Point of View

Author – The____________________ is the author of the poem.

Speaker - The speaker of the poem is the “______________________________” of the poem. 

Kinds of Stanzas

_____________________=                         a two line stanza

Triplet (Tercet)  =                                             a three line stanza

_____________________=                         a four line stanza

Quintet =                                                             a five line stanza

Sestet (Sextet)=                                                 a six line stanza

_____________________=                         a seven line stanza

_____________________=                         an eight line stanza


The ___________________________ created by the ___________________________ of the words in a poem.

Rhythm can be created by meter, rhyme, alliteration and _________________________________


A _____________________ of stressed and unstressed syllables.

Meter occurs when the stressed and unstressed syllables of the words in a poem are arranged in a _______________________________ pattern.

When poets write in meter, they count out the number of stressed (strong) syllables and unstressed (weak) syllables for each line.  They they repeat the pattern throughout the poem.

Free Verse Poetry

Unlike metered poetry, free verse poetry does _________________ have any repeating patterns of stressed and unstressed syllables. Does NOT have to _____________________________.

Free verse poetry is very conversational - sounds like someone ___________________________ with you.

A more modern type of poetry.

Blank Verse Poetry

Written in lines of iambic pentameter, but does NOT use ______________________________________________.


Words sound alike because they share the same _________________________ vowel and consonant sounds.

(A word always rhymes with itself.)

End Rhyme

A word at the end of one line rhymes with a word at the end of ______________________________________________

Hector the Collector

Collected bits of string.

Collected dolls with broken heads

And rusty bells that would not ring

Internal Rhyme

A word inside a line rhymes with another word on the __________________________________________________.

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary.

From “The Raven”

by Edgar Allan Poe


Near Rhyme

a.k.a  ___________________________________________________________________, close rhyme

The words share EITHER the same vowel or consonant sound BUT NOT _________________________________


Words that imitate the _____________________________________ they are naming (for example: BUZZ)

OR sounds that imitate another sound

“The silken, sad, uncertain, rustling of

each purple curtain . . .”


__________________________________________________ sounds repeated at the beginnings of words

If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, how many pickled peppers did Peter Piper pick?


Similar to alliteration EXCEPT . . . The repeated consonant sounds can be ____________________________ in the words

silken, sad, uncertain, rustling .


Repeated _____________________________________ sounds in a line or lines of poetry.

(Often creates near rhyme.)

Lake       Fate                       Base                      Fade

(All share the long “_______________” sound.)


A sound, word, phrase or line repeated regularly in a poem


A comparison of two things using “______________________, as than,” or “resembles.”

“She is as beautiful as a sunrise.”


A direct comparison of two unlike things

“All the world’s a stage, and we are merely players.”

William Shakespeare



Exaggeration often used for __________________________________.



An animal given human-like qualities or an object given life-like qualities.



When a person, place, thing, or event that has meaning in itself also represents, or ______________________________, something else


Allusion comes from the verb “__________________________________” which means “to refer to”

An allusion is a reference to something famous.


Language that appeals to the ____________________________________________.

Most images are visual, but they can also appeal to the senses of sound, touch, ________________________, or smell.





Use pg. 805-807 in Literature to complete the following:


  1. Narrative Poetry _________________________________________________________


  1. Lyric Poetry  _________________________________________________________


  1. Poetic Form  _________________________________________________________


  1. Poetic Purpose  _________________________________________________________


  1. Sound Devices  _________________________________________________________


  1. Imagery  _________________________________________________________­­­­­_____


  1. Figurative Language  _____________________________________________________


Why read Literature?








How to Read Literature


















Use pgs. 846-847 to complete the following:



  1. Purpose: _________________________________________________________



  1. Subject and Theme: _______________________________________________________



  1. Rhyme: _________________________________________________________



  1. Lines and Stanzas: ________________________________________________________





Subject and Theme


Rhyme and Rhythm

Lines and Stanzas









































Concrete Poem









Hyperbole Poem

Summertime is Here

My tongue is a piece of sandpaper
I’m dissolving into a puddle.
I want to dive into a snowdrift
Though I’m sure that would befuddle
Open me up, my organs are cooked
I think I’m now well done.
You can fry an egg upon my brow
As I melt away in the sun!

Poetry by Sharon Hendricks


Creative Writing Assignment/Write your own Haiku or Comic Book



Students will examine the characteristics of and write their own comics based on an already popular comic.


  • a variety of comics from newspapers and books

  • drawing paper

  • crayons, pencil crayons, or markers


  • Have students examine the comic strips that you collected.

  • Ask students to name their favorite comic strips and describe what they like best about the characters and the plot lines in the strips.

  • Have students create their own character to be introduced as a newcomer to their favorite comic strip, keeping in mind the current plot line of the comic strip and the characteristics of the characters. Or, have students simply continue the plot line of the comic.

  • Display the comics as a class funny page.



A giant firefly:
that way, this way, that way, this --
and it passes by.

--Issa (1762-1826)

Haiku show us the world in a water drop, providing a tiny lens through which to glimpse the miracle and mystery of life. Combining close observation with a moment of reflection, this simple yet highly sophisticated form of poetry can help sharpen students' response to language and enhance their powers of self-expression. In this lesson, students learn the rules and conventions of haiku, study examples by Japanese masters, and create haiku of their own.

Or Write an alternate ending book



Poetry Test Study Guide

Test is Wednesday, April 12th

Definition of Poetry _________________________________________________________________________

Rhyme _________________________________________________________________________

Stanza _________________________________________________________________________

Onomatopoeia _________________________________________________________________________

Personification _________________________________________________________________________

Simile _________________________________________________________________________

Metaphor _________________________________________________________________________

Hyperbole _________________________________________________________________________

Assonance _________________________________________________________________________

Alliteration _________________________________________________________________________

Rhythm _________________________________________________________________________

Concrete Poem _________________________________________________________________________

Free Verse _________________________________________________________________________

Light Verse _________________________________________________________________________

Limerick _________________________________________________________________________

Quatrain _________________________________________________________________________

Free Verse _________________________________________________________________________

Haiku _________________________________________________________________________

Caesura _________________________________________________________________________

The goal of a poem (reason it was written) – Purpose


Identify the type of poem with

2 lines _________________________________________________________________________

4 lines _________________________________________________________________________

5 lines _________________________________________________________________________

6 lines _________________________________________________________________________

7 lines _________________________________________________________________________

8 lines _________________________________________________________________________

14 lines _________________________________________________________________________


Poets (identify the poet)

O Captain My Captain ________________________________________________________________________ 

Two Haiku _________________________________________________________________________

Harlem Night Song _________________________________________________________________________

Road Not Taken_________________________________________________________________________


Describe the following poems to describe the main idea, character(s), etc.

Secret Heart _________________________________________________________________________


Paul Revere’s Ride _________________________________________________________________________